From 19:00 to 00:00
For whom: from 3 to 6 years, from 7 to 13 years, Youth, Adult, with a dog or cat
Eastern Workshop
ul. Skoczylasa 8
See on map
Pracownia Wschodnia (Eastern Workshop)

Natalia Łajszczak
During this years Night of Museums, we are opening the entire Eastern Workshop again! On this day, from 7 p.m. to midnight, we invite everyone for a night tour of our spaces and participation in activities prepared for you: Eastern Workshop Gallery, Photo Workshop, Peryferie Press, and Screen Printing Workshop. As part of the Night of Museums, you will be able to explore all the nooks of our workshops, meet with creators (and peek at the results of their work), and leave with a souvenir in the form of a screen-printed graphic on a T-shirt, bag, or paper.
Practical information:The Eastern Workshop space is open to all visitors, we invite you to visit during the designated hours. We will be printing graphics on guests (light) T-shirts, bags, sweatshirts, etc.
The organizer of the event is responsible for the content and reliability of the information provided
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