From 19:00 to 00:00
For whom: Youth, Adult, with a dog or cat
Night at Prus Bookstore
ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 7
See on map
Bolesław Prus Main Scientific Bookstore in Warsaw

Hanna Jelonek, sculptures Transgressions, paper, own technique, photo by S. Krzemianowska
‘From Head to Head’: Talks and an exhibition of drawings, photographs, and sculptures. The meeting with artists and the exhibition will be accompanied by a discussion and presentation of heads by Prof. Hanna Jelonek, Dean of the Sculpture Department at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, the triptych ‘Transgressions,’ the ‘Index of Entries’ head by Jerzy Juczkowicz, a sculptor, and head photographs in the form of thee works and a slideshow by Marek Straszewski, a photographer, as well as one work – a drawing – by Wanda Czełkowska.
Practical information:Exhibition of sculpture, photography, drawing, multimedia presentation. The exhibition is open from 19:00 to 00. Conversations with the authors from 19:00 to 21:00, followed by individual conversations with the authors and curatorial tours.
The organizer of the event is responsible for the content and reliability of the information provided
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