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Udogodnienia dla niepełnosprawności słuchowychUdogodnienia dla niepełnosprawności ruchowych

From 15:00 to 00:00
For whom: Youth, Adult

Museum Night at the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art
Film, Exhibition, Sightseeing

Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art
ul. Jazdów 2
See on map
Nearest museum line stops:
Line C - PL.NA ROZDROŻU 05 (ok. 0.3 km)
Line C - PL.NA ROZDROŻU 01 (ok. 0.4 km)

Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art

Sylwia Miechowicz

Sylwia Miechowicz

Event details:

We offer guided tours around all our current exhibitions both in Polish and in English, as well as a guided tour translated into Polish Sign Language. Additionally, there will be a historical guided tour, prepared especially to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Castle itself.
Don’t forget to drop by our creative area in the courtyard, where you’ll have a chance to make your own postcard from Ujazdowski as a collage from Mediateka’s archive material, send a message to other participants or take a selfie out of this world!

Practical information:

Open Storage tour with translation into Polish Sign Language (in Polish)-3 p.m.
Historical tour - the 400th Anniversary of the Castle (in Polish)-5 p.m.
Tour in Polish-7 p.m.
Tour in English-9 p.m.
Evening with Buster Keaton short films-10 p.m.

The organizer of the event is responsible for the content and reliability of the information provided

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