From 15:00 to 00:00
For whom: Youth, Adult
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art
ul. Jazdów 2
See on map
Nearest museum line stops:
Line C - PL.NA ROZDROŻU 05 (ok. 0.3 km)
Line C - PL.NA ROZDROŻU 01 (ok. 0.4 km)
Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art

Sylwia Miechowicz
We offer guided tours around all our current exhibitions both in Polish and in English, as well as a guided tour translated into Polish Sign Language. Additionally, there will be a historical guided tour, prepared especially to celebrate the 400th Anniversary of the Castle itself.
Don’t forget to drop by our creative area in the courtyard, where you’ll have a chance to make your own postcard from Ujazdowski as a collage from Mediateka’s archive material, send a message to other participants or take a selfie out of this world!
Open Storage tour with translation into Polish Sign Language (in Polish)-3 p.m.
Historical tour - the 400th Anniversary of the Castle (in Polish)-5 p.m.
Tour in Polish-7 p.m.
Tour in English-9 p.m.
Evening with Buster Keaton short films-10 p.m.
The organizer of the event is responsible for the content and reliability of the information provided
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