From 19:00 to 00:00
For whom: from 3 to 6 years, from 7 to 13 years, Youth, Adult, with a dog or cat
Test Gallery
ul. Marszałkowska 34/50
See on map
Nearest museum line stops:
Line B - PL.KONSTYTUCJI 01 (ok. 0.1 km)
Line B - PL.KONSTYTUCJI 02 (ok. 0.1 km)
Test Gallery (Mazovian Institute of Culture)

Lubaczów Museum of Eastern Borderlands
Post-competition exhibition of the XI edition of the Triennale. The nationwide Triennale competition has been organised by the Lubaczów Museum of Eastern Borderlands since 1993. The works of awarded and distinguished artists go into the Museums collections, enriching the collection of Polish contemporary drawing. In the Test Gallery, it will be the sixth presentation of competition works.
Practical information:During the Night of Museums, guided tours of the exhibition will be held with Polish sign language interpreters – exact tour times will be announced on our website galeriatest.pl and social media platforms. Phone: 22 622 66 83, email: test@mik.waw.pl
The organizer of the event is responsible for the content and reliability of the information provided
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