Od 18:00 do 21:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Gallery of Graphics and Posters
ul. Hoża 40
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Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia B - CENTRUM 01 (ok. 0.3 km)
Linia M - CENTRUM 09 (ok. 0.4 km)
Gallery of Graphics and Posters, Nina Rozwadowska, Andrzej Stroka
Strona internetowa

Painting by Jan Wołek
“...Even after a few days, I can sit down at a canvas, close my eyes, and recall with the smallest details a landscape I once saw somewhere...“
Jan Wołek
During the Museum Night at the Gallery of Graphics and Posters, there will also be an offer from the Polish Poster School and contemporary posters, as well as albums and catalogues published by the gallery at special prices. With each purchase comes a surprise – a poster by Starowieyski, Olbiński, or Świerzy as a gift!
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