Od 14:00 do 22:00
Dla kogo: od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli
Villa la Fleur Museum
ul. Szpitalna 14/16
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Villa la Fleur Museum
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Villa la Fleur Museum
Join us for a journey through time and space with Tamara Łempická. In her green Bugatti, we will visit the magical Paris of the roaring twenties. We will start from Montmartre with works by Suzanne Valadon and the eminent Maurice Utrillo. Among the cafes of Montparnasse, we will encounter Amedeo Modigliani, Chaim Soutine, Tsuguharu Foujita, and Fernand Léger, among others. Villa la Fleur offers unforgettable experiences stemming from interaction with over a thousand works presented on a total of six floors of two historic buildings.
Informacje praktyczne:Curatorial tours: 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. Limit of 30 people.
For visitors with mobility impairments, attractions are available on level 0 in both buildings and the sculpture garden.
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