Od 16:00 do 00:00
Dla kogo: od 3 do 6 lat, od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli, z psem lub kotem
Lending Library No. 26 – Wawer History Chamber
ul. Błękitna 32
Zobacz na mapie
Public Library in the Wawer District of Warsaw
Strona internetowa
source: bibliotekawawer.pl/nowa/filie/wawer/
Wawer Fotoplastikon Historical evening dedicated to the heritage of the Wawer District 4 p.m.–midnight; Exploration of the Wawer History Chamber 4.30 p.m.; Presentation of unknown maps of Wawer: Environs of Warsaw from 1893, Letnisko Falenica Municipality from 1938, Wawer Municipality from 1943 – 5.30 p.m.; Meeting with Paweł Ajdacki and Adam Ciećwierz, authors of the book Fotoplastikon of the Otwock Range 8 p.m.; Old Wawer Urban Game. Throughout the evening, you can learn where to find sources for researching the history of Wawer, and participate in a history quiz about Wawer (with prizes).
Informacje praktyczne:For more information about the Wawer Night of Museums – Wawer Fotoplastikon at Lending Library No. 26, contact: Paweł Ajdacki
tel. 601216662
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