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Od 18:00 do 23:00
Dla kogo: Dorośli

Hippocampus and Others – Exhibition by Jacek Jędrzejczak
Wernisaż, Wystawa

Institute 116
ul. Grochowska 116
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Institute 116
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Jacek Jędrzejczak

Jacek Jędrzejczak

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

Vernissage of the exhibition: ‘Hippocampus and Others’ (Installation)
Artist: Jacek Jędrzejczak.
Reflection on the brain, especially its lesser-known parts, is a fascinating area of research in science. Despite considerable progress in neurobiology and neuroanatomy, many aspects of brain function remain a mystery. The hippocampus is one of those parts of the brain that has long attracted researchers attention. It is located within the temporal lobes and plays an important role in memory processing and spatial orientation. The installation combines sculpture, film, and music.

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ok. 2.0 km