Od 19:00 do 23:00
Dla kogo: od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli
Praga-Południe Culture Promotion Centre
ul. Podskarbińska 2
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Praga-Południe (Praga South) Culture Promotion Centre (CPK)
Strona internetowa
photo: archives of the Centre for the Promotion of Culture
Event Description:
• Kamil Sobiecki (painting) FACES vernissage 05/18/2024 / Saturday / 7 p.m. exhibition open until 06/04/2024
• Hello Waterhouse exhibition by participants of the Art Warehouse workshop at the Ochota Cultural Centre. Exhibition open until 06/04/2024. The inspiration for the works was the art of John William Waterhouse, a British painter representing neoclassicism. The exhibition will feature both realistic and abstract works.
• Folk-electronic music CONCERT performed by Asia Nawojska with her band. Time: 9 p.m.
No limitations on the number of groups.
Organizator wydarzenia ponosi odpowiedzialność za treść i rzetelność udostępnionych informacji
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