Warzawska syrenka
Wróć Powrót na stronę główną

Udogodnienia dla niepełnosprawności ruchowych

Od 19:00 do 01:00
Dla kogo: od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli

Ciao Body! From Medicine to Art – Displays of Objects from the Special Collections Cabinets of BUW
Pokaz, Wystawa

University of Warsaw Library
ul. Dobra 56/66, sala 316 i sala 315
Zobacz na mapie
Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia F - BIBLIOTEKA UNIWERSYTECKA 01 (ok. 0.1 km)
Linia F - BIBLIOTEKA UNIWERSYTECKA 02 (ok. 0.1 km)

University of Warsaw Library (BUW)
Strona internetowa

photo: University of Warsaw Library (BUW)

photo: University of Warsaw Library (BUW)

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

Displays of items from the historical collections of the UW Library: 1. ‘Body Prints – Birth, Life, and Death on the Pages of Old Books’ 2. ‘A doctor is not the one who knows all the prescriptions by heart, but the one who knows when to look at the book.’ (Anton Chekhov). Medicine in the 19th century 3. ‘Body for Art. Art for the Body’ – display of etchings and drawings 4. ‘Cover Your Mouth with the Back of Your Left Hand When You Cough’ – display of posters 5. ‘Athanasius Kircher and the Beginnings of Research on the Physiology of the Voice, Hearing, and Music Therapy.’

Informacje praktyczne:

Additional exhibitions: 1. ‘Monsters and Marvels.’ A. Cieślińska-Kawecka, K. Kerner, W. Bielecka, M. Laszczkowski – graphics, ceramics, sculpture. 2. Pre-war book collections in the Olsztyn libraries – poster exhibition.
BUW Gardens: open

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