Od 12:00 do 19:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Palmiry Museum – Memorial Site
Droga Palmirska 1
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Palmiry Museum – Memorial Site
Strona internetowa

Palmiry Museum – Memorial Site, photo by Tomasz Kaczor
The main event of the Night at the Palmiry will be the ‘Memory and Past as a Contemporary Experience’ walk. It invites reflection on propaganda, necropolitics, and thanatourism, and considers how nature contributes to the landscape of memory and the role of memorial sites in contemporary events. The walk will engage participants emotionally. Curatorial tours and a screening of the film ‘City of Memory: German Terror in Occupied Warsaw’ are also planned. Led by Maria Kamińsk and Dominika Jarzyńska-Pokojska.
Informacje praktyczne:Curatorial tours at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m., walk at 5 p.m.
Pre-registration is required.
Group limit: up to 30 people.
Registration via email: maria.kaminska@muzeumwarszawy.pl or by phone at 22 277 44 94.
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