Od 16:00 do 00:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Ursus-Włochy branch of the Museum of Scouting
ul. Generała Kazimierza Sosnkowskiego 16
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Kolorowa Cultural Centre
Strona internetowa
Photographic exhibition on boards related to the activities of members of the Untrodden Paths scout teams with disabilities. Exhibition of items, mementos made by members of the Untrodden Paths teams, mementos from instructors of the huts operating in the Ursus and Włochy areas. Film screening – activities of the Untrodden Paths teams. This form of scouting work is carried out only in Poland. During the exhibition, visitors will have the opportunity to talk to participants of those events.
The exhibition will take place on May 18, from 4 p.m. to midnight at the Kolorowa Cultural Centre. Ground floor of the Cultural Centre – hall straight ahead from the entrance. The building is equipped with a stairlift.
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