Warzawska syrenka
Wróć Powrót na stronę główną

Od 22:00 do 01:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli

Tour of the Interiors of Ateneum Theatre and Exhibition Dedicated to Gustaw Holoubek
Wystawa, Zwiedzanie

Stefan Jaracz Ateneum Theatre
ul. Jaracza 2
Zobacz na mapie
Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia F - JARACZA 01 (ok. 0.2 km)
Linia F - JARACZA 02 (ok. 0.2 km)

Stefan Jaracz Ateneum Theatre
Strona internetowa

photo: Julia Piotrak/Stefan Jaracz Ateneum Theatre

photo: Julia Piotrak/Stefan Jaracz Ateneum Theatre

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

Tour of the exhibition dedicated to Gustaw Holoubek (guided by Dr. Aneta Kielak-Dudzik) and the historic interiors of the theatre in the art deco style by Romuald Miller and Wojciech Jastrzębowski (guided by Dr. Eng. Arch. Michał Dudkowski). The building at 2 Jaracza Street in Warsaw was constructed in 1928 by the Trade Union of Railwaymen. Since then, it has also been the seat of the Ateneum Theatre. Despite wartime damage, many original interior elements by eminent creators of the interwar period have been preserved.

Informacje praktyczne:

Entry for touring the exhibition and interiors is organised in groups of up to 30 people per hour. Reservation for free tickets will be arranged through the website.

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