Od 19:00 do 00:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Wola Museum
ul. Srebrna 12
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Linia A - PL.ZAWISZY 11 (ok. 0.2 km)
Linia A - PL.ZAWISZY 03 (ok. 0.3 km)
Wola Museum
Strona internetowa
Opening of the exhibition Warsaw under Construction 15 at the Wola Mus., 2023, photo by T. Kaczor
On the Night of Museums, the Wola Museum invites you to events surrounding the newly opened exhibition ‘Euphoria. On the Warsaw Club Scene after 1989.’ The exhibition outlines the cultural and social topography of the Warsaw club scene. The essence of the exhibition is to trace how the dynamics of the emergence of music and dance clubs generated significant changes in the areas of visual culture, visual arts, social attitudes, and civic engagement. Join us for a curatorial tour, followed by screenings of two documentary films.
Informacje praktyczne:7 p.m. – Curatorial tour: ‘Euphoria. On the Warsaw Club Scene after 1989’
9.30 p.m. – Film: ‘Fugazi. Centre of the Universe,’ 39 min.
10.30 p.m. – Film: ‘Scandal. The Molesta Phenomenon,’ 69 min.
Limit: 50 people at the event, tickets required
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