Warzawska syrenka
Wróć Powrót na stronę główną

Udogodnienia dla niepełnosprawności słuchowychUdogodnienia dla niepełnosprawności ruchowych

Od 16:00 do 23:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli

Night of Museums at the Memorial Chamber at the Warsaw Uprising Cemetery
Film, Spacer, Wykład, Wystawa, Zwiedzanie

Memorial Chamber at the Warsaw Uprising Cemetery
ul. Wolska 168
Zobacz na mapie

Museum of Warsaw, Memorial Chamber at the Warsaw Uprising Cemetery
Strona internetowa

Voices of Memory, Krzysztof Wodiczko, installation view, Memorial Hall, photo by Tomasz Kaczor

Voices of Memory, Krzysztof Wodiczko, installation view, Memorial Hall, photo by Tomasz Kaczor

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

The Memorial Chamber is a place for reflection on the consequences of armed conflicts, and the exhibitions and educational activities organised here honour the memory of the civilian victims of the Warsaw Uprising. Night of Museums at the Memorial Chamber will be dedicated to the actions of the Grey Ranks in the occupied capital – we invite you to a lecture, film screening, walk, and guided tours. We also invite you to visit the exhibition by Krzysztof Wodiczko, ‘Voices of Memory,’ which is a testament to the collective memory of the civilian population about the Warsaw Uprising.

Informacje praktyczne:

4 p.m. History of the Grey Ranks – lecture; 5 p.m. They Walked with the Grey Ranks – film screening; 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m., 9 p.m. – guided tours with the curator of the Memorial Chamber; 10 p.m. – night walk around the Memorial Chamber

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