Od 12:00 do 22:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Hugonowka Konstancin Cultural Centre
ul. Mostowa 15
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Konstancin Cultural Centre
Strona internetowa
Tytus Dzieduszycki-Sas, Sketches for Assemblages, Untitled, collage, watercolour, ink, 1966
Tytus Dzieduszycki-Sas (1934–1973) was one of the most intriguing Polish avant-garde artists of the second half of the 20th century. He was involved in drawing and painting, creating collages, assemblages, and kinetic objects, designing interiors and utility objects, and engaging in architecture. His works, ranging from early sketches on themes of nature to picture-objects related to material painting and surrealism, are infused with spontaneous creativity and openness to experimentation, as well as a deeply ecological approach to the natural world.
Informacje praktyczne:On May 19th at 4 p.m., a finissage of the exhibition and a conference dedicated to the artists work are planned. Access from Warsaw: * Line 200 – Central Station * Line 251 – Wilanowska Metro * Lines 710, 724, and 742 – Kabaty Metro.
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