Od 19:00 do 23:30
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Diving Museum
ul. Grzybowska 88
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Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia A - RONDO DASZYŃSKIEGO 03 (ok. 0.5 km)
Warsaw Divers Club Association, Diving Museum

photo: Karina Kowalska
We will showcase an extraordinary collection of housings for cameras and camcorders that underwater photography enthusiasts had to make themselves between 1959 and 1989 to capture underwater shots because such equipment was not available in stores. Remarkable ideas and unconventional materials demonstrate the great imagination of their creators. The star attraction will be a VHS camera housing made from a water pipe, and a custom-built camera integrated with a watertight housing for taking 6 x 6 photos. We will also display homemade housings for light meters and flashes.
Informacje praktyczne:Due to limited space and a large number of visitors eager to explore the museum, we regulate the number of people entering. At the museum, fellow divers will explain the exhibits upon request.
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