Od 20:00 do 01:30
Dla kogo: od 3 do 6 lat, od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli
Copernicus Science Centre
ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20
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Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia F - ZAJĘCZA 02 (ok. 0.3 km)
Linia F - ZAJĘCZA 01 (ok. 0.4 km)
Copernicus Science Centre
Strona internetowa
photo: Copernicus Science Centre
Our exhibitions await you, including the latest one – ‘The Future is Now.’ You will have the opportunity to talk to its curator, the android Ameca. She is an advanced humanoid robot endowed with artificial intelligence and a flexible face perfectly imitating human expressions. You will also have the chance to meet her companion – a robotic dog. Spend electrifying moments in the High Voltage Theatre and watch scientific shows. In the Planetarium, you have the entire cosmos at your disposal! You will see stars in a sky as dark as in the Bieszczady Mountains.
Free tickets for entry to exhibitions at the Copernicus Science Centre and for shows at the Planetarium can be reserved on the website bilety.kopernik.org.pl. Ticket distribution starts: Copernicus Science Centre: 13.05., Planetarium: 15.05.
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