Od 18:00 do 01:00
Dla kogo: od 3 do 6 lat, od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli
Metamorfozy Gallery
ul. Marszałkowska 81 lok. 20
Zobacz na mapie
Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia B - PL.KONSTYTUCJI 01 (ok. 0.4 km)
Linia B - PL.KONSTYTUCJI 02 (ok. 0.4 km)
Metamorfozy Foundation

Agata Sztyber-Sławek, Sebastian Talka
A moment in eternity. Silence amidst the citys hustle and bustle. Here on solid ground, or beyond consciousness? Stone from water and water from stone. The paintings of Agata and Sebastian only seemingly divide into two extremes. Agatas works are strongly grounded while Sebastians reach the farthest corners of the universe. But it is her paintings that may seem suspiciously unreal and his painfully material and close. Regardless of how close you want to get or how far you want to drift in thought, this exhibition will help you find answers to the most important questions.
Informacje praktyczne:The entrance to the Gallery is located in the inner courtyard. At the gate from ul. Marszałkowska, there is an intercom system. Dial number 20 to open the entrance gate.
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