Od 22:00 do 02:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Arnold Szyfman Polish Theatre in Warsaw
ul. Kazimierza Karasia 2
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Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia M - KRUCZA 05 (ok. 0.5 km)
Linia M - KRUCZA 06 (ok. 0.5 km)
Arnold Szyfman Polish Theatre in Warsaw
Strona internetowa
photo: Rafał Łączny
In line with the title of our latest premiere, ‘Open House,’ we are opening the backstage of our home – the Polish Theatre – for you. On this extraordinary night, you will have the opportunity to witness the process of creating a performance in a theatre with a 111-year history. In the workshops not accessible to the public, we will reveal a glimpse of the deepest secrets of the ‘Open House.’ How was the scenography created? Who is responsible for the ball gowns, shoes, and hairstyles? What does the work of a model-maker look like? How to become a craftsman of the Polish Theatre?
Informacje praktyczne:Guides will invite groups for a tour every 20 minutes. Participants will cover several hundred metres of corridors and stairs. It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes and bring water.
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