Od 17:00 do 21:00
Dla kogo: od 3 do 6 lat, od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli, z psem lub kotem
Edward Dwurnik Foundation
ul. Nałęczowska 25
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Edward Dwurnik Foundation
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Edward Dwurnik, After thirty-five years, 1984
At the exhibition in the headquarters of the Foundation, you will be able to see paintings from the artists series ‘Workers’ and a screening of the artistic film about Dwurnik, ‘Portrait from Nature,’ directed by Andrzej Szczygiel in 1984. The ‘Workers’ series consists of 260 paintings created between 1975 and 1991. Its main protagonists are the titular Workers – identified by the painter with the entire Polish nation – oppressed by the Soviet regime and fighting against it. At the end of last year, the Foundation published an album monograph of the series.
Informacje praktyczne:The Foundation team will provide information about the institutions activities and guide visitors through the exhibition on the hour.
Email: fundacjaedwardadwurnika@gmail.com
Tel: +48 602 233 322
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