Warzawska syrenka
Wróć Powrót na stronę główną

Od 12:00 do 22:00
Dla kogo: od 3 do 6 lat, od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli

How is Waste Collected? Presentation of MPO Garbage Trucks!
Spotkanie, Warsztaty, Wystawa, Zwiedzanie

MPO Warsaw Transport and Equip.m.ent Base
ul. Tatarska 2/4
Zobacz na mapie

Municipal Cleaning Company (MPO) in the city of Warsaw
Strona internetowa

photo: Jakub Turowicz

photo: Jakub Turowicz

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

During the event, MPO educators will conduct eco-education activities entitled ‘Mini Dump;’ workshops dedicated to proper municipal waste segregation, designed for families. Additionally, the company will provide residents with access to several of its modern dust-free vehicles (garbage trucks), which they can sit in and feel like a driver of one of MPOs crews. There will also be a historic 56-year-old vehicle on display! Visitors to ul. Tatarska will also see one of MPOs bases and the Selective Municipal Waste Collection Point.

Informacje praktyczne:

On the same day (from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at the MPO at ul. Tatarska 2/4, another edition of the EcoPlanting campaign will take place, during which residents will receive plant seedlings in exchange for bringing electronic waste.

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