Od 12:00 do 00:00
Dla kogo: od 3 do 6 lat, od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli, z psem lub kotem
Jazdów Estate
ul. Jazdów
Zobacz na mapie
Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia C - PL.NA ROZDROŻU 01 (ok. 0.3 km)
Linia C - PL.NA ROZDROŻU 05 (ok. 0.3 km)
Open Jazdów Partnership
Strona internetowa
Private archive
The Open Jazdów Partnership invites you to experience art together in all its forms among the bushes of Jazdów and between the wooden Finnish cottages. ‘Art in the Bushes’ is a programme that includes both artistic aspects, part of which will include exhibitions, performances, and concerts, as well as an interdisciplinary part – various workshops and guided tours of the Jazdów Estate. From early morning, there will also be attractions for the youngest visitors interested in all kinds of arts.
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