Warzawska syrenka
Wróć Powrót na stronę główną

Od 18:00 do 01:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli

Explorers Night: Adventure in the largest aviation center in Poland

Simair Virtual Center
ul. Taśmowa 8
Zobacz na mapie

Simair Ltd.
Strona internetowa

Simairs own materials

Simairs own materials

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

Explore Simair, the largest aviation and simulator centre in Poland, during the Night of Museums! This is a unique opportunity for aviation enthusiasts and thrill-seekers to enter the most inaccessible part of an aircraft; the cockpit. See how professionals operate machines like the Boeing 737 MAX, Airbus A320, and Cessna C152. Whether you dream of an aviation career or simply seek excitement, well provide you with a realistic immersion experience in our world. Experience it from passenger flights, through thrilling aerial dogfights, to leisure trips in a Cessna. Join us!

Informacje praktyczne:

Details regarding directions and attractions are available on the website simair.pl/noc-muzeow-2024.

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