Od 19:00 do 22:00
Dla kogo: od 3 do 6 lat, od 7 do 13 lat, Młodzież, Dorośli, z psem lub kotem
Pod Okiem Gallery
ul. Grójecka 79
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Ochota Cultural Centre, Pod Okiem Gallery
Strona internetowa
property of the artist Igor Yelpatov
Jubilee exhibition of the artist titled ‘With the Family.’ The paintings are inspired by the artists private life and his closest loved ones. The personal works were created beyond the artist’s cycles, series, collections, commissions, or works created for a concept, as such creations also form part of Igor Igor Yelpatovs oeuvre. On this occasion, you can discover the delicacy and fragility of mundane scenes and view a home-made portrait. Painter Igor Yelpatov deals with artistic education in oil painting and portraiture. He is a member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers.
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