Od 17:00 do 20:00
Dla kogo: Dorośli, z psem lub kotem
81 Degrees Gallery
ul. Kłopotowskiego 38/5
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Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia M - ZĄBKOWSKA 03 (ok. 0.1 km)
Linia M - ZĄBKOWSKA 04 (ok. 0.1 km)
81 Degrees Gallery
Strona internetowa

photo: Michał Ignar
Michał Ignar describes his work as follows: I approach the human body like a painter or sculptor. I arrange and illuminate frames so that viewers often compare my photos to paintings or sculptures. Photographs of nude bodies are often surrounded by an aura of sensation or prudishness. I try to break this taboo. The human body, uncovered, can be art. And a photoshoot can have an emancipatory power when we lose our complexes. The human being is at the centre of my work. I like doing portraits the most, dance photographs, and nudes. This last category is what I present in this exhibition.
The 81 Degrees Gallery is located in an Art Nouveau tenement house at the corner of Targowa and Kłopotowskiego streets, near the Wileńska metro station, at the of a spiral staircase. There is no lift. Doorbell number 5.
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