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Od 17:00 do 20:00
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Body Art – Exhibition at 81 Degrees Gallery
Performance, Spotkanie, Wernisaż, Wystawa, Zwiedzanie

81 Degrees Gallery
ul. Kłopotowskiego 38/5
Zobacz na mapie
Najbliższe przystanki linii muzealnych:
Linia M - ZĄBKOWSKA 03 (ok. 0.1 km)
Linia M - ZĄBKOWSKA 04 (ok. 0.1 km)

81 Degrees Gallery
Strona internetowa

photo: Michał Ignar

photo: Michał Ignar

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

Michał Ignar describes his work as follows: I approach the human body like a painter or sculptor. I arrange and illuminate frames so that viewers often compare my photos to paintings or sculptures. Photographs of nude bodies are often surrounded by an aura of sensation or prudishness. I try to break this taboo. The human body, uncovered, can be art. And a photoshoot can have an emancipatory power when we lose our complexes. The human being is at the centre of my work. I like doing portraits the most, dance photographs, and nudes. This last category is what I present in this exhibition.

Informacje praktyczne:

The 81 Degrees Gallery is located in an Art Nouveau tenement house at the corner of Targowa and Kłopotowskiego streets, near the Wileńska metro station, at the of a spiral staircase. There is no lift. Doorbell number 5.

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Zobacz w okolicy:
ok. 0.2 km