Od 18:00 do 21:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli
Bright House Villa
ul. Świerszcza 2
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Bright House Foundation
Strona internetowa
Bright House Foundation
Bright House Villa served from February to October 1945 as the headquarters of the Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army, where Polish Patriots were imprisoned and tortured. Twenty-two basement rooms were converted into cells, while interrogation rooms and offices were set up on the upper floors. During the detention centre’s operational period, over a thousand women and men, including soldiers of the Home Army, passed through this terrifying place.
Reservations required.
Guided tours in two shifts of approx. 1.5 hours each, from 6 p.m.–7.30 p.m. or 7:30p.m.–9 p.m.
Reservations: email: fundacja@willajasnydom.pl, tel.: 532-423-657
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