Warzawska syrenka
Wróć Powrót na stronę główną

Od 14:00 do 19:00
Dla kogo: Młodzież, Dorośli

Tour of the 1950s Shelter under the ArcelorMittal Warsaw Office Building

ArcelorMittal Warsaw Office Building
ul. Kasprowicza 132
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ArcelorMittal Warsaw
Strona internetowa

photo: Grzegorz Kielich

photo: Grzegorz Kielich

Szczegóły wydarzenia:

ArcelorMittal invites you to Night of Museums in a nuclear shelter from the 1950s.
– Meeting at the ArcelorMittal Warsaw Office Building (132 Kasprowicza Street – behind Młociny metro station).
– Tour of the shelter, or rather the Civil Defence Command Post located in the basement of the ArcelorMittal Warsaw office building (currently named ArcelorMittal Warsaw). The facility was built in the late 1950s and early 1960s and has been preserved intact along with all equipment. Please note that due to limited space, only REGISTERED INDIVIDUALS will be able to tour.

Informacje praktyczne:

Registrations enabling participation in the event will open on May 16 at 9 a.m. on the hutawarszawazaprasza.com website, where you need to fill out the registration form. Visitors will be invited to the shelter in groups of 20.

Organizator wydarzenia ponosi odpowiedzialność za treść i rzetelność udostępnionych informacji

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